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Current position£ºHome > News Linear motor platform with a wave of artificial intelligence incoming

Linear motor platform with a wave of artificial intelligence incoming

time£º2018/8/18  click£º4518
     Linear motor platform with a wave of artificial intelligence incoming. When it comes to artificial intelligence, we naturally think that it refers to robots. In fact, this is our narrow mistake. There are many forms of artificial intelligence, including robots, language recognition, image recognition, natural language processing, and expert systems. Today linear motor platform small editor to tell you about some common artificial intelligence products.
     A humanoid robot: includes a broom robot, a waiter robot, a medical robot, and so on. Such robots are characterized by human-like body structures, including the trunk, limbs, and brain. Humanoid robot sets(with the development of society, more use of linear motor platforms), electricity, materials, computers, sensors, control technology and other disciplines are integrated into one, is an important symbol of a country's high-tech strength and development level, so, Developed countries in the world have invested heavily in development research. Japan, the United States, Britain and other countries have done a lot of work in the development of humanoid robots, and have made breakthrough progress.
     Speech recognition artificial intelligence products: speech recognition technology, also known as automatic speech recognition, is the goal of converting the vocabulary content in human speech into computer-readable input. It is too profound to understand. The linear motor platform is compiled for everyone. For example, Like keys, binary encoding, or character sequences.
     Image recognition artificial intelligence products: Image recognition technology is the basis of stereo vision, motion analysis, data fusion and other practical technologies, according to the linear motor platform editor. It has important application values in many fields such as navigation, map and terrain registration, natural resources analysis, weather forecasting, environmental monitoring, and physiological lesions research.
     Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co. Ltd. is a manufacturer of linear electrical technology research, development, linear motor, sound loop motor, linear motor platform and sales. The company is committed to providing customers with appropriate straight lines and swing motion solutions, significantly improve customer machine power performance and reduce customer acquisition costs. Let the customers choose no worry, welcome to negotiate.
     This article originated from the original company of Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd.( Please indicate the source.