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Current position£ºHome > News The linear motor platform has brought the 5G era forward.

The linear motor platform has brought the 5G era forward.

time£º2018/8/21  click£º5264
     The linear motor platform drives the 5G era ahead of schedule. Almost from the end of the 17th century to the beginning of the 18th, there were many media platforms that publicized the 5G era. The people seemed to be accustomed to it. They felt that the story of the "wolf came" that they had learned as children was similar. Slowly, they did not return to the matter. I think it is far away. However, the small editor of the linear motor platform will tell you today that it is more true than real gold. On August 13th, in the hall of the first floor of Beijing Unicom, the street scenes of Haidian Daoxiang Lake and Xicheng Financial Street transmitted by the 5G base station were projected. On the big screen, Beijing officially entered the 5G era.
     In the 5G video, the distant layers of high-rise buildings are clearly defined, and the gray walls are clearly colored. "5G can directly transmit 4K HD signals. Its picture quality is 16 times that of 4G, and the picture quality is also clearer and brighter. "Unicom related staff explained. It is expected that in the first half of next year, 5G mobile phones will be released one after another, and Beijing Unicom is also starting to recruit 5G test users throughout the city.
     When it comes to the 5G, we have to say that the 5G chip(semiconductor) is the heart of a mobile device. It actually acts as a modern social nervous system. If society is compared to people, the chip is responsible for thinking, sensing, and communication. It even controls some of the energy, such as power chips that control electricity, voltage, AC, DC, and so on. In recent years, with the continuous development and progress of linear motor platform technology in China, many domestic enterprises are committed to using linear motor platform for chip packaging and slowly transition to China chip manufacturing.
     With the rapid development of semiconductor industry, the efficiency and precision of chip packaging is becoming more and more high. How to meet the performance requirements of chip packaging industry, it is necessary to replace traditional motors with linear motor platforms.
     Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co. Ltd. is a manufacturer of linear electrical technology research, development, linear motor, acoustic motor, linear motor platform manufacturing and sales. Our linear motor has the advantage that the rotary motor can not compare, and is recognized by the user. We believe that the use of linear motor will be more and more extensive.
     This article originated from the original company of Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd.( Please indicate the source.