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Current position£ºHome > News Tongmao linear motor to show you rock intelligent 3D printer

Tongmao linear motor to show you rock intelligent 3D printer

time£º2018/8/27  click£º4925
     Tongmao linear motor takes you to see the rock intelligent 3D printer. This 3D smart printer has a name "Rock" that will appear in the idol drama. Although 3D smart printers are quite popular now, people still have less contact with them and may think that it is only a new invention. Nowadays, there is no shortage of new inventions. It is no big deal. In fact, 3D printing technology is one of the high "dimensions" in the integration model of science and technology. It can not only efficiently process extremely complex parts, but also greatly reduce the material loss problem in ordinary manufacturing. Here's a list of smart 3D printers with the name Maolun motor.
     The "Rock" packaging uses a conventional cowhide carton with a logo printed on it. The appearance of the box feels thin. After opening, it was found that there was only one layer of carton packaging, which was a bit unexpected to the small series of linear Motors, but its internal multiple layers of thick foam protection treatment had reasons for official confidence. Random also comes with a roll of orange consumables, a guide slide, a "rock" printed consumption rack, a power adapter, a Teflon guide tube, two leveling cards, a simple manual and a logo paste.
     The clear, gray and round appearance of the "rock" is the style preferred by the same linear motor. It is simple and not simple. The appearance size is 27 * 29 * 31cm, which is relatively small. The White upper left corner of the front is the "rock" product logo. Below the logo is a 3.5-inch touch screen. Below the screen is the SD card and USB port. The left side of the print space is a platform component that can be lifted, and the upper right corner is the print head.  The right and bottom sides of the transparent square printing space form a large arc surface extension, which gives a small tension of the air intake of the aircraft to the Tongmao linear motor. The wavy seams of the upper and lower gray shells fixed by screws can be seen on the side, and the White component protruding from the upper right corner is the consumables upper assembly(officially called the extruder). The rear shape and color are similar to the front, with a power switch and power Jack at the bottom, and a computer interface.
     The above is an introduction to the intelligent 3D printers and rocks developed by Tongmao Linear Motor Co., Ltd. on the industry's new cutting-edge electronics technology. In general, it can be summarized in one sentence: the shape is simple and generous, and the small figure contains great power.
     This article originated from the original company of Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd.( Please indicate the source.