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Current position£ºHome > News This is a tall grid story.

This is a tall grid story.

time£º2018/9/1  click£º4728
     With a linear motor, there's a tall grid story. If the small editor has any special hobby, it is to taste the delicious taste on the tip of the tongue, delicious and milk tea, coffee is particularly enthusiastic. Every day tired to a cup of coffee, that rich mellow stimulate every inch of the body sensory nerve, instant refreshing. I'm sure you 've had your share of friendly service from Starbucks and Costa, but you certainly haven't had your share of robot coffee. Today, I'm here to tell you about this.
     August 23, 2018, London, England, a two-armed robot named YuMi appeared on Oxford Street. YuMi can take the cup, turn on the coffee machine, grind the coffee machine, add the milk to the coffee, and then use the cocoa powder to sprinkle the decorative pattern in the cup and bring it to people. The little editor of Tongmao Linear Motor thinks this should be a London-style romance. In the streets of London, sitting under a flower-decorated promenade, blowing a breeze and tasting a cup of coffee, life is so complicated.
     It is understood that YuMi is a robot introduced by ABB that can truly implement human-machine cooperation. It has synergetic arms. It is entirely reasonable to believe that the robot's robotic arm uses the principle of a linear motor, and it is equipped with a breakthrough function. YuMi brings automation such as assembly of small pieces into a new era. Flexible arms, It is wrapped in soft materials and equipped with innovative force sensing technology and advanced software control systems.
     Kunshan Tongmao has been continuously improving the efficiency and productivity of complex manufacturing processes for more than a decade. Its products such as Tongmao linear Motors, linear modules, linear slides, coil Motors, and coil modules have been widely trusted by customers at home and abroad. Our breakthrough innovation has benefited from our experience in applications in various industries around the world.
     This article originated from the original company of Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd.( Please indicate the source.