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Current position£ºHome > News How to solve the heating problem of linear Motors

How to solve the heating problem of linear Motors

time£º2017/3/28  click£º7086
Whether it is a linear motor, a rotating motor, or a servo motor, there will be heat problems during the movement. How to solve the heat dissipation problem better, it will take a lot of work in the motor characteristics and R&D design. The same linear motor is fully considered in the design of the motor heating problem. In fact, the linear motor heating mainly comes from the motor's own addition and subtraction speed. If the current required for the addition and reduction speed can be maintained under the continuous current of the motor and drive, Then there will be no serious fever. On the contrary, if there is a short period of high current during the acceleration and deceleration process, then it is imperative to take into account the equivalent thrust during the brewing phase of the motion planning, and add the time for suspension or waiting for the movement according to actual needs.
In addition, if the actual current of the linear motor continuously pushes the work object exceeds the continuous current mentioned above, the heating problem must also be considered. Under normal use, the structure of an iron-centered linear motor is more conducive to heat dissipation than that of an iron-core motor, and the coil without an iron-core motor wants to have less heat dissipation space than there is. Therefore, when designing a motion structure, the heat dissipation characteristics of a linear motor structure must be considered.
Kunshan Tongmao independently developed and designed a linear motor. The peak heat of the coil can reach 120 degrees Celsius, and it has a good cooling coefficient, which further optimizes the characteristics of the motor. When the user chooses the type, as long as the technical parameters such as the speed of movement, the load, the acceleration waiting time of the movement are provided to us, we can provide more professional measurement, in order to achieve a better system design scheme, so that the user is satisfied and reassured.