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Current position£ºHome > News The placebo effect caused you to misunderstand the linear motor elevator

The placebo effect caused you to misunderstand the linear motor elevator

time£º2019/10/10  click£º5916
     The placebo effect caused you to misunderstand the linear motor elevator. Before the article began, the editor did a small survey: When you were riding in the elevator, there was a wood that continued to press the elevator button without stopping even if the button was already on. Think that way, the elevator door would close faster? To be honest with everyone, the editor has done such a thing, I believe that many people have also done this with the editor.
     In an article in 2008, the New Yorker made it clear that since the 1990s, most elevators have closed their buttons far below the expectations of passengers. In fact, the length of elevators closed was set in advance and did not change depending on the number of buttons. In addition, when the linear motor small editor consulted the data, David McRaney also pointed out in his own article "Button" published in 2010: "If you happen to find yourself pressing a non-functional closing button, The door is closed, and you may not want to think about it. Because your brain is struck by a brief sense of accomplishment and control at the moment the door closes, you are very firmly convinced that the door closes as you wish is the result of your own behavior, and your behavior is encouraged and rewarded. And what you're likely to do in the future is continue to press the Close button in an attempt to close the elevator door quickly. "
     Recently, the linear motor has learned that the above behavior is called the placebo effect, that is, a real substance or behavior is not effective, but you believe it is effective and has a positive effect.
     Since the main character of this period is the elevator, the small editor will mention the application of the linear motor in the elevator. The linear motor driven elevator is a new type of elevator. The cordless elevator driven by the linear motor breaks the boundaries of the rope elevator. It is not necessary to consider the strength and reliability coefficient of the wire rope, and the simple structure, small area, fast speed, energy conservation, high reliability, earthquake resistance, long journey distance and other advantages.
     Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co. Ltd. is a set of linear Motors, sound coil Motors, linear platform development, smart manufacturing and sales as one of the manufacturers. The company is committed to providing customers with straight lines and swing motion solutions, improve customer machine power performance and reduce customer purchase costs, products sold overseas.
     This article originated from the original company of Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd.( Please indicate the source.