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Current position£ºHome > News 46 World Earth Days. We only do green linear Motors.

46 World Earth Days. We only do green linear Motors.

time£º2017/4/22  click£º6517
Do you know what April 22 is every year? Do you know when Christmas, Valentine's Day, and April 22? Very few people know.
April 22 is the World Earth Day and is a worldwide environmental protection activity. The event was initiated in 1970 by Gailuode¡¤niersen and Dannisi¡¤haisi, and its influence has grown. The purpose of the event is to arouse the consciousness of human beings who love to protect the earth and protect their homes, promote the coordinated development of resource development and environmental protection, and improve the overall environment of the earth. Since the 1990s, China has held world Earth day on April 22 every year.
Why did we set up world Earth day? The earth is the common home of mankind, but with the development of science and technology and the expansion of the economic scale, the environmental situation has continued to deteriorate over the past 30 years. The extent of environmental degradation has affected the survival and development of humankind itself.
The top ten environmental problems that threaten human survival are: 1. Climate warming. 2. Biodiversity reduction 3. Acid rain spread 4. Forest drop 5. Land desertification 6. Air pollution 7. Marine pollution 8. Transboundary movement of hazardous wastes 9 Water pollution 10. The depletion and destruction of the ozone layer.
There is only one earth. In order to protect the earth, to maintain the sustainable development of the economy and the environment, and for the sustainable future and economic prosperity of mankind, everyone should give his own strength.
Tongmao linear motor, low pollution, low consumption, low emission, low noise, no maintenance, long life, is an energy-saving, environmentally friendly motor. The company will make unremitting efforts to promote the development of China's industrial drive industry, committed to become a reliable supplier of direct line motor manufacturers, and continue to create value for customers.