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Current position£ºHome > News Tongmao linear Motors inventory several of the most popular robots at the moment

Tongmao linear Motors inventory several of the most popular robots at the moment

time£º2019/10/15  click£º6200
¡¡¡¡Tongmao linear Motors inventory several of the most popular robots at the moment. In 2019, the domestic animation market can be described as a brand new bloom. There is a "White Snake" before it, followed by "The Magic Boy of Nazha", interspersed with "The Future Machine City" and so on. It may be "occupational disease poisoning is too deep." Many people praised Nazha's Magic Boy for coming to the world, and Tongmao's linear motor was very sensitive to "Future Machines City" because the film was full of high-tech robots such as toothbrush robots, comb robots, and robots. Housekeepers and so on.
¡¡¡¡In fact, any film is based on reality to adapt. In today's society, as described in the film, robots have penetrated all walks of life. In this period, the small editor of Tongmao Linear Motor took stock of several very popular robots.
¡¡¡¡Rundaid washing and ironing robot
¡¡¡¡The Laundroid machine developed by Seven Dreamers can not only wash and iron clothes, but also fold clothes and put them back in order. The robot uses a number of complex sensors, which are equipped with recognition software, machine learning technology, and robotic arm technology. The sensor scans the clothing fabric to obtain the corresponding image, and then the system software conducts color block analysis and positioning in these graphics. The analysis results can determine the material, shape, and other information of the clothing. The robot arm then folds the clothing in different ways based on this information. To be honest with everyone, Tong Mao Linear Motor small editor very want to pull grass this "life little helper"!
¡¡¡¡A flying parking robot
¡¡¡¡Remember last year's "red net" parking robot? The user simply puts the vehicle on the platform at the entrance of the parking lot. After that, the AGV car will take the vehicle away. In about 2 minutes, the vehicle can be placed in a suitable position. When the user needs to pick up the car, click through the App. AGV will drive the car to the parking lot in about 2 minutes.
At the end of the article, the small interpolated sentences of the same linear motor are not outside the topic. In fact, there are already linear motors in many devices related to clothes cleaning, such as washing machines driven by linear Motors, drying machines, and automatic clothes hangers. Wait. Linear motors have also had practical applications in some "hard core" three-dimensional garages.
¡¡¡¡Kunshan Tongmao has been continuously improving the efficiency and productivity of complex manufacturing processes for more than a decade. Its products such as Tongmao linear Motors, linear modules, linear slides, coil Motors, and coil modules have been widely trusted by customers at home and abroad.
¡¡¡¡This article originated from the original company of Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd.( Please indicate the source.