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Current position£ºHome > News A linear motor maglev train with a speed of 1,223 kilometers per hour?

A linear motor maglev train with a speed of 1,223 kilometers per hour?

time£º2019/10/21  click£º5520
     A linear motor maglev train with a speed of 1,223 kilometers per hour? It's a bit of an exaggeration. On May 23, 2019, the high-speed maglev train with a speed of 600km/h went offline in Qinghai, China. For a time, all over the country were cheered by the breakthrough made by the motherland in this regard. However, recently, Milan Mayor Zhusaipei•sala and Turin Mayor Apandinuo revealed that the maglev train of Hyperiloop TT will be built between the two cities. The peak speed of the car will reach 1223 kilometers per hour. The editor is skeptical!
     According to the small editor of the linear motor, HyperloopTT is a US research company that uses a crowd collaboration method to develop a transportation system based on the Hyperloop concept, which was proposed by Elon Musk in 2013. Currently, HyperloopTT has 12 projects under construction worldwide.
     Since 2019, HyperloopTT has signed a number of cooperation agreements with the Italian government, including two 150-kilometer maglev train lines. Milan to Turin and Rimini to Bologna are popular options for these two routes.
     Although the small editor felt that the peak speed of the Hyperloop TT maglev train reached 1,223 km/h, it was difficult to achieve it, but the maglev train was a vigorously developed project in various regions of the world and was hailed as a more ideal means of transportation in the 21st century. Maglev train is a modern high-tech rail vehicle. It realizes the non-contact suspension and guidance between the train and the track through electromagnetic force, and then uses the electromagnetic force generated by the linear motor to pull the train.
     Yes, the maglev train was towed by our linear motor. Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co. Ltd. is a set of linear Motors, sound coil Motors, linear platform development, intellectual manufacturing and sales as one of the manufacturers. The company is committed to providing customers with straight lines and swing motion solutions, improve customer machine power performance and reduce customer purchase costs, products sold overseas.
     This article originated from the original company of Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd.( Please indicate the source.