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Current position£ºHome > News What is the impact of thrust fluctuations on linear Motors?

What is the impact of thrust fluctuations on linear Motors?

time£º2017/5/20  click£º7511
Linear motors are also called linear Motors, linear Motors, linear Motors, and pushrod Motors. It is an electric transmission device that converts electric energy directly into linear motion mechanical energy. It can save a large number of intermediate transmission mechanisms, speed up the system to reflect the speed, improve the accuracy of the system, so it has been widely used. The amount of output of linear Motors is mainly thrust. Due to the theory, design, manufacturing, load and interference of linear Motors, there must be thrust fluctuations in linear Motors. The thrust fluctuation can reflect whether the linear motor is running smoothly or not.
What are the hazards of thrust fluctuation caused by linear Motors?
Thrust fluctuation is one of the main defects in linear motor application. Thrust fluctuations can cause vibration and noise. At low speed, the motor may resonate and the operating characteristics may deteriorate. Texture disturbance, friction disturbance, load resistance change, end effect, load resistance change, current time harmonic wave, magnetoresistance thrust fluctuation are all important factors that generate thrust fluctuations in linear Motors. Therefore, it is very important to test the thrust fluctuation characteristics of linear motor accurately.
Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co. Ltd. is a set of linear electrical technology research, development, linear motor, sound loop motor, precision linear platform intellectual manufacturing and sales as one of the manufacturers. The company is committed to providing customers with appropriate straight line and swing motion solutions, improve customer machine power performance and reduce customer acquisition costs. Our linear motor will optimize the performance of the product by accurately measuring the thrust fluctuations.