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Current position£ºHome > News Factors affecting the performance of VCM

Factors affecting the performance of VCM

time£º2017/8/19  click£º7709

¡¡¡¡The voice coil motor is a special form of direct drive motor that converts electrical energy directly into linear motion mechanical energy without the need for any intermediate transfer mechanism. The structure of the voice coil motor is mainly composed of stator and mover. Wherein the stator comprises an outer yoke, a ring magnet, a magnetism ring and an inner yoke, the mover is composed of a voice coil winding and a winding bracket.
¡¡¡¡The structural parameters that affect the performance of the voice coil motor include the thickness of the voice coil, the thickness of the magnet, the thickness of the outer yoke, the distance between the electrodes and the length of the stator.
¡¡¡¡1. The influence of voice coil motor thickness: The thickness not only affects the ampere-turns of the motor windings, but also affects the air gap flux density, which are contradictory to each other. The motor output and these two products is proportional to the existence of effective thickness so that the motor output is very large. It can be seen that the effect of the thickness of the voice coil on the output of the motor is more obvious. If the thickness of the voice coil is too large or too small, the output of the motor will decrease.
¡¡¡¡2. Magnet thickness: the greater the thickness of the magnet, the stronger the air gap magnetic field, the greater the output of the motor, but the motor outside diameter of certain conditions, the voice coil diameter to be reduced. So the appropriate choice of magnet steel thickness, in order to make the maximum output of the motor.
¡¡¡¡3. The impact of the external track thickness: the thickness is too small, increased saturation, the motor will increase the magnetic flux leakage; the other hand, the thickness is too large, the voice coil diameter will be reduced. Therefore, the thickness of the outer yoke must be designed rationally.
¡¡¡¡4. Inter-pole distance: There is a large magnetic flux leakage between the two toroidal poles of the voice coil motor. In order to reduce the polarity of the magnetic flux, in the pole between the design of a magnetic ring, thereby reducing the saturation of the outer yoke part, reducing the thickness of the yoke. But the distance between the pole must be reasonably designed, otherwise it will affect the motor's total flux, but to reduce the output of the motor. It can be seen that the distance between the electrodes also has a significant effect on the output of the motor.
¡¡¡¡5. Effect of stator and mover length: The choice of stator and mover length mainly affects the smoothness of the "force-displacement" curve of the motor. When the stator length is constant, the length of the mover can be changed appropriately, which can make the "force - displacement" curve smoother, but should meet the requirements of the motor stroke, otherwise it will increase the motor volume and the cost of waste.
¡¡¡¡The structural parameters of the voice coil motor include the thickness of the magnet, the thickness of the voice coil, the thickness of the outer yoke, the distance between the poles and the length of the stator and the mover. The influence of the magnetite thickness and the thickness of the voice coil.
¡¡¡¡Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd.£¨£©is a professional manufacturer of linear motors, the main products are linear motor, voice coil motor, high precision linear platform. We have a variety of voice coil motor, can provide custom, free design. Welcome a lot of attention to our voice coil motor.