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U-channel linear motor stator

time£º2017/8/26  click£º5909
The side of the linear motor that evolved from the stator is called the primary, and the side that evolved from the rotor is called the secondary. In practical applications, the primary and secondary are manufactured to different lengths to ensure that the coupling between the primary and secondary within the required range remains unchanged. The linear motor can be a short primary long secondary or a long primary short secondary. Taking into account the manufacturing costs and operating costs, take the linear induction motor as an example: When the primary winding enters the AC power supply, the traveling wave magnetic field is generated in the air gap, and the secondary line wave magnetic field is cut, and the electromotive force is induced and the current is generated. The current reacts with the magnetic field in the air gap to generate electromagnetic thrust. If the primary is fixed, the secondary is subjected to linear motion under the influence of thrust; On the contrary, the primary line movement.
The U-shaped slot linear motor has two parallel tracks between the metal plates and both face the coil movers. The movers are supported by the guide rail system in the middle of the two magnetic rails. The kinematics are non-steel, meaning that there is no suction and there is no interference between the track and the thrust coil. The non-steel coil assembly has a small inertia and allows very high acceleration. The coil is generally three-phase, brushless phase change. Air cooling can be used to cool the motor to obtain performance enhancement. There are also water-cooled methods. This design can better reduce the flux leakage because the magnet is mounted face to face in the U-shaped guide groove. This design also minimizes the damage caused by powerful magnetic attraction.
This design of the track allows the combination to increase the length of the journey, limited to the operating length of the cable management system, the length of the encoder, and the ability of the mechanical structure to be large and flat.
Image of stator product
List of stator parameters
Description of stator characteristics
Peak thrust up to 2600N, continuous thrust up to 750N
Direct drive, no reverse clearance;
Zero groove effect, zero suction;
The small mass of the movers can provide high acceleration,
High positioning accuracy and high resolution;
No mechanical contact between stator and mover, zero wear, no maintenance;
The stator is modular and can be connected long.
Suitable for situations where high speed and high acceleration of linear motion are required.