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Current position£ºHome > News High-performance voice coil motor (voice coil motor) products are favored

High-performance voice coil motor (voice coil motor) products are favored

time£º2018/4/14  click£º6045

      Why the high-performance voice coil motor (voice coil motor) products are widely favored is not without reason.

      Tongmao Voice Coil Motor (Voice Coil Motor) is a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy and realizes linear and limited swing angle motion. Tongmao voice coil motor (voice coil motor) utilizes the interaction between the magnetic field generated by the magnetic field from the permanent magnet and the energized coil conductor to produce a regular movement.

      Because the voice coil motor (voice coil motor) is a non-commutated power unit, its positioning accuracy depends entirely on the feedback and control system and is independent of the voice coil motor (voice coil motor) itself. With proper positioning feedback and sensing devices, the positioning accuracy can easily reach 10 NM and the acceleration can reach 300 g (the actual acceleration also depends on the condition of the load).

      Whether linear or swing, they have the same basic principle. When the energized conductor passes through the magnetic field, it generates a force perpendicular to the magnetic field line. The magnitude of this force depends on the length of the conductor passing through the field, the strength of the magnetic field and the current. The voice coil motor (voice coil motor) is a simple device that converts electric current into mechanical force, so its positioning and force control are achieved through a position feedback device and a controller, the accuracy of which is determined by the controller and the voice coil motor (tone Ring motor) itself has nothing to do.

      The voice coil motor (voice coil motor) is mainly used for small strokes, high speed, and high acceleration movements, and is suitable for use in narrow spaces. The most common is the autofocus function in the phone camera is completely completed by the entire drive.

      One of the advantages of Tongmao voice coil motors (voice coil motors) is their ability to adapt to vacuum and harsh environments. Tongmao voice coil motor (voice coil motor) adopts European and American technical standards and production processes. The motor structure is simple, small in size, stable in force characteristics, easy to control, and compatible with multi-brand motion controllers and drivers.

      It can be seen that Tongmao voice coil motor (voice coil motor) is a high-performance, high-quality linear servo motor. It can be seen that our company's products are favored by everyone.

This article originated from Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd. ( company original, reproduced please indicate the source.