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Current position£ºHome > News Tongmao linear motor metal 3D printing multiple fields blossom

Tongmao linear motor metal 3D printing multiple fields blossom

time£º2018/5/26  click£º4072

     Tongmao linear motor metal 3D printing blossoms in multiple fields. In succession, the successful C919 passenger aircraft took off for the first time in 2017. In order to reduce weight, it successfully applied 3D printing titanium alloy parts. Through 3D printing technology, the baby in the mother's uterus was ¡°re-engraved¡± so that the mother can touch her child in advance... As a disruptive manufacturing technology, 3D printing has brought surprises to the aerospace field and people's lives.

     Familiar with simplicity, manufacturing is simpler, rumbling machine sounds cannot be heard, and in a clean and bright workshop, a Taiwan 3D printing device is lined up in a row. The glass across the printing window shows only a flash of light. beat. ¡°This is our 3D printing shop. The traditional manufacturing process is 'reduced material manufacturing technology'. 3D printing is 'additive manufacturing technology'. It has the obvious advantages of low manufacturing cost, short production cycle, and saving materials.¡±

     The principle of 3D printing technology is to slice the digital model and turn multidimensional manufacturing into a simple bottom-up two-dimensional overlay, which greatly reduces the complexity of design and manufacturing. In the traditional casting process, the thin-walled complex structure has always been a technical barrier that is difficult to break through. However, parts printed with metal 3D printing technology can not only play a ¡°thin¡± and complex structure like a honeycomb, but also the multi-beam seamless splicing technology that can be used for rapid molding in only 72 hours.

     With metal 3D printing technology and equipment, the company has successively provided lightweight, functional and customized metal products that distinguish it from traditional processing technologies in the aerospace, medical, and mold industries. As a new type of manufacturing technology, the industrial application of 3D printing is also deepening. ¡°Metal 3D printing technology has opened up a new era in orthopaedic implant technology, which has solved the bottleneck of porous biological fixed surfaces. Nowadays, 3D printing has been transferred from R&D to industrial application. This is not only due to the continuous innovation of technology, but also because of it. We have strong support for our province's policies."

     Tongmao linear motors can also be used in 3D printing equipment, which has the advantages of high response, high speed, high acceleration, simple structure, small size, good force characteristics, and easy control.

     Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd. customers involved in machinery manufacturing, factory automation, automotive, aerospace, electric power, electronics, metallurgy, petrochemical, medical and many other industries, and universities, research institutes also have a lot of cooperation. If you have needs, please call us and we will serve you wholeheartedly.

This article originated from Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd. ( company original, reproduced please indicate the source.