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Current position£ºHome > News Tongmao linear motor - children''''''''s secondhand smoke injury can not be ignored

Tongmao linear motor - children''''''''s secondhand smoke injury can not be ignored

time£º2018/5/31  click£º4613

      Tongmao linear motor - children's secondhand smoke harm can not be ignored. The coming of Children's Day on June 1 coincided with the 31st "World No Tobacco Day." Children's secondhand smoke concerns raised concern. Statistics show that the proportion of teenagers who are exposed to second-hand smoke at home and in public places is 43.9% and 55.8%, respectively, and their health is being greatly harassed and jeopardized. Earlier, on the youth smoking control activities sponsored by the Publicity Division of the National Health and Hygiene Committee, experts called for keeping children away from smoke.
     Harmful substances in secondhand smoke also directly damage the developing lungs, resulting in decreased lung function and inducing asthma, respiratory infections and other respiratory diseases. ¡°In addition, secondhand smoke also affects adolescents' height and mental development. The study found that children whose parents smoked had lower average height and intelligence in adulthood than children whose parents did not smoke,¡± Liang Lirong stressed.

      Second-hand smoke harmful substances will also leave behind troubles such as smog pollutants that remain on clothes, walls, carpets, furniture, and even surfaces such as hair and skin and dust after smoking. They can be released into the air again, some of which are compounds. It can react with oxides and other compounds in the environment to generate new pollutants, including more than 10 highly carcinogenic compounds such as hydrocyanic acid, butane, toluene, arsenic, lead, and carbon monoxide.

     "Though the dose of these harmful substances is extremely small, for children, because of the poor ability of the liver to metabolize toxic substances, accumulation of long-term exposure will cause no serious harm to their nervous system, respiratory system, circulatory system, etc. The symptoms of neurotoxicity have a serious impact on the intelligence and physical development of infants and young children and cause great harm," Liang Lirong said.

     Therefore, people who smoke on today's World No Tobacco Day are acutely aware of the harmfulness of secondhand smoke. Tongmao linear motor manufacturers are calling for tobacco control on this special day.

     At present, the advanced linear motor system in the world has integrated diagnostics, protection, control, and communication functions to achieve self-diagnosis, self-protection, self-regulation, and remote control of linear motor systems. With the integration of China's equipment manufacturing industry toward high, refined, and sharp industrialization and informationization, the intelligent motor system has become a necessary trend.

This article originated from Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd. ( company original, reproduced please indicate the source.