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Current position£ºHome > News Sound loop motor for camera introduction technology(sound loop motor)

Sound loop motor for camera introduction technology(sound loop motor)

time£º2018/7/25  click£º12146

     Sound loop motor(sound loop motor) for camera introduction technology. We have a mobile phone, a camera for traveling, a computer for work and leisure, a laptop, and a camera for security. Sound coil Motors(sound coil motors) have been used by manufacturing companies in their own products. Today, everyone comes together to learn the principle and structure of sound coil Motors(sound coil motors).
     The English abbreviation for a coil motor(coil motor) is VCM, so if you see a few words of VCM in a product manual or other place, you need to know that it refers to a coil motor(coil motor). Its main principle is to control the tension position of the Reed by changing the DC current of the motor inner ring within a permanent magnetic field, thus driving up and down the movement. The mobile phone camera uses a wide range of coil Motors(coil motors) to achieve auto-focusing. The coil Motors(coil motors) can adjust the position of the lens to show clear images.
     The sound coil motor(sound coil motor) is the same as the horn's working principle. It is the principle of adding current or charge generating force to a fixed magnetic field, thus generating a process of motion, that is, the left-hand rule of junior high school physics.
Left Hand Rule: The left hand spreads flat, allowing the magnetic line to pass through the palm of the hand, so that the thumb is perpendicular to the other four fingers, and both are in a plane with the Palm. Put the left hand into the magnetic field, let the magnetic inductance line enter the palm vertically, the palm faces the N pole(points in and out), and the four fingers point to the direction of the current, then the direction of the thumb is the direction of the conductor's force.
     The classification of sound coil Motors(sound coil motors) can be roughly divided into three categories from the structure: 1. Bullet structure, 2. Ball structure, 3. Friction structure. From the functional point of view, it is roughly divided into five categories: 1. Open loop open motor, 2. Close loop closed loop motor, 3. Alternate medium motor, 4. OIS optical anti-shake motor(shift type, shift axis type, memory metal type, etc.) 5. OIS + Close loop six-axis motor.
     The Tongmao coil motor(ring motor) platform uses an efficient iron-free linear motor as a driving component. Our direct-drive platform has high speed, high acceleration and stable precision performance. Compared with the rod drive, the structure is more compact and more efficient. The single shaft ring motor platform provides the best system solution for applications that require high throughput, high reliability, precision positioning, and silent sound operation.
     This article originated from the original company of Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd.( Please indicate the source.