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Current position£ºHome > News 3D food printer driven by linear motor(linear motor) from 7.21

3D food printer driven by linear motor(linear motor) from 7.21

time£º2018/7/26  click£º5197
     A 3D food printer driven by a linear motor(linear motor) from 7.21 "Happy Base Camp". "Hello, everyone. Welcome to Happy Camp on Saturday night. We are the Happy Family. "This sentence can not be more familiar to our generation. Since more than 20 years ago," Happy Camp "has accompanied us through countless Saturday nights, with laughter and tears ... Although, variety shows are now endless, there are many choices. But the editor is an old man who likes to take out a month's show from time to time. On the evening of July 21st, I was impressed by the use of direct linear motor(linear motor) driven 3D printing technology in cake making.
     There is a link in this period's "Happy Base Camp", which is an interaction between a well-known sweetener and a star and a cake. The dessert table put up by Yanhui, the second sweetener, is refreshing. According to Yanhui, all desserts use the latest technology, linear motor(linear motor) driven 3D printing technology.
     A 3D food printer is a machine that can "print" food. It does not use ink cartridges, but puts food materials and ingredients in containers in advance, enters recipes, presses buttons, and the rest of the cooking process will be done by it. It is not one file after another. It's actually food that you can eat.
     The component of a 3D food printer consists of an electronic part: a system board, a motherboard, a motor drive board, a temperature control board(if a thermistor temperature measurement is generally not required), a heating tube, a thermocouple(or thermistor), a heat bed(currently) Taobao's latest is the MK2b) mechanical part: Most of them now use linear electric linear Motors(linear Motors), and some use linear motor platforms. Software part: firmware, computer program, burning software.
     In 3D food printers, the stability and operation accuracy of linear Motors(linear Motors) directly affect the printing problem of 3D food printers. It is very important to explore the knowledge of excavating linear Motors(linear Motors) for us to maintain and maintain 3D food printers in the future. I believe that in the near future, 3D printing will add more surprises to our lives!
     More linear motor(linear motor) applications welcome to visit Kunshan tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd., tongmao electronics is a set of linear electrical technology research, development, linear motor(linear motor) sound loop motor, precision linear platform manufacturing and sales as one of the manufacturers. The company's official website com is always open to your visit.
     This article originated from the original company of Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd.( Please indicate the source.