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Current position£ºHome > News Spin motor(loop motor) telescope reveals binary statistics and evolution relationship

Spin motor(loop motor) telescope reveals binary statistics and evolution relationship

time£º2018/8/1  click£º3729

     Sound loop motor(sound loop motor) telescope reveals binary star statistics and evolution. The telescope is the treasure of astronomers and astronomers. It can explore the magnificent and magnificent interstellar world. Recently, the Yunnan Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reported that the relevant staff obtained a series of results after detailed analysis of the spectral survey data of the ring motor(ring motor) telescope, and gave a new classification of the EW type connecting double stars. For the first time, various statistical relations and evolutionary relationships between the two types of binary stars were revealed.
     After detailed analysis and study of the two binary stars of the sound coil motor(sound coil motor) telescope, the relevant staff concluded that the spectral pattern is in line with the previous spectral pattern, which reveals the reliability of the binocular data of the sound coil motor(ring motor) telescope.; Using spectral survey data, they gave the spectral types of nearly 12,000 EA and EW binary stars, and obtained more than 7,000 star atmospheric parameters of these two types of binary stars, laying the foundation for further research on binary stars. It can be used as the input parameter for the analysis and study of the optical deorbiting of binary stars.
     The results also show that the surface gravitational acceleration and metal abundance of the two binary stars are the same as the peak and distribution. The EW binary star usually has a lower metal abundance than the EA binary star, which reveals that the EA binary star is the predecessor of the EW binary star. object, The latter evolved from the former through material exchange. They also gave the statistical relationship between the surface gravitational acceleration and metal abundance of these two binaries and the orbital period. Through comparative analysis, it is proposed that the connected binaries in the universe today can be divided into three categories. They have different physical characteristics and formation mechanisms..
     Sound coil Motors(sound coil motors) fast reflectors are an important component of astronomical telescopes and are widely used in astronomical telescopes, laser communications, image stabilization systems, adaptive systems, tracking sighting and laser emission optical systems. Because of its advantages such as zero hysteresis, zero magnetic groove effect, high response, high precision, high speed, convenient control, small size and infinitely small resolution, the sound coil motor has an excellent advantage in applying to fast mirrors.
     Tongmao Motor has been deeply ploughing coil Motors(coil motors) for many years. It has the technical experience of Europe and the United States in the industry. It is designed with customer appeal as the guide and specializes in customizing the most reasonable sound coil Motors(coil motors) for customers. It has low energy consumption and high efficiency. High-precision products.
     This article originated from the original company of Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd.( Please indicate the source.