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Current position£ºHome > News Tongmao linear motor brings heavy news, drone engine system localization

Tongmao linear motor brings heavy news, drone engine system localization

time£º2018/8/7  click£º4894
     The Tongmao linear motor brings heavy news and the drone engine system is localized. The small editor is often thinking, every day on the computer, what is the purpose? Thinking has been fruitless, recently suddenly clear, in addition to getting a salary to meet the basic needs of material life, that is, I want to show readers to see the world, see life, see themselves. Today, Tong Mao's linear motor editor will show you the changes in the drone launch system.  In recent years, China's development in the field of drones has been very rapid. From pterosaurs to rainbows to cloud shadows, Chinese drones have developed many series and have been exported on the international market. Although China has made such achievements, it is still constantly innovating its technology and striving for a greater breakthrough in the field of drones. No, the Chinese Academy of Sciences sent another heavy news!
     The Xiangying-200, a large unmanned helicopter led by the Shenyang Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, completed all its development and test flights and has entered the acceptance stage, Xinhua reported on July 26. The unmanned helicopter is a large unmanned helicopter independently developed by China. It is about 9 meters in length and its payload is 200 kilograms. It is a matter of great satisfaction to all Chinese that China has achieved such results in the field of drones. The Chinese people, who are the real masters of the Mao Linear Motor, must say that they are mixed. Nature is also extremely proud.
     And even more gratifying is that this unmanned helicopter engine system has achieved localization! You know, the engine is the "heart" of the plane. If your own plane still uses the "heart" of others, can you say it is your own? All the people of this drone, including Tongmao Linear Motor and Mao Linear Motor, can loudly declare: This is completely ours!
     Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co. Ltd. is located in Kunshan and is one of the few manufacturers in China that has the ability to develop and customize sound coil linear Motors. Its own factory is 3000 flat, and there are a number of clean motor assembly lines. ISO9001 certification enterprise, its own large and medium-sized processing center and linear motor performance testing machine. Provided with standard tracks, the trip can be infinitely extended, can be made into a single-axis platform system, multi-axis system, customers can directly install equipment. It can also be customized according to the needs of customers. Welcome customers to negotiate.
     This article originated from the original company of Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd.( Please indicate the source.